Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Year Full Of Thankfulness

I may be alone in this, but I love Thanksgiving. It's such a great time to get together with family and celebrate without the pressure of gifts. It's the start of the holiday season and better moods. Everyone is in the holiday spirit and then we're back to blech. Not to mention I am a turkey girl and not much for ham.

I've been hearing a lot of homemade noodles. This isn't a tradition in our family, but I think it needs to start! I am a huge sap for creating traditions for M. We had so many around this time and they are so near and dear to my heart.

Reason #345 to like Thanksgiving, four day weekend. In my case five day weekend. Also, putting up the tree! A is the fluffer and I am the decorator. At this time he clears the living room so I can crank up the Christmas music which he hates.

Looking back on this year is such a trip. This time last year I was about ten weeks pregnant and trying to hold down my food. I was throwing stuff on the tree just to get it over with. Possibly crying throughout it. Now this year there is so much hope and dreams for the future. All the things I always pictured doing with M are finally happening. Buying her gifts and reading her Christmas books we always had. Seeing her take in her first Christmas tree was so amazing. We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade together. A and I went out and bought her first ornament. You always think about how these things will be, and when they happen they are so much more than you ever thought they'd be.

It was a great day like always. It's hard to see the count dwindle down as we have lost family members over the years. Ones that have been here so long are now gone and new ones are coming up. It's such a blessing to have these two babies with us and however many more our family can get. (Just kidding, my sister and I have been rationed one more baby each by our husbands.)
A, M, & Me

Grandma & Grandpa

Grandpa & M

Sister & Brother-in-law

M & her cousin

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